Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Grove's Gift Published!

Description: When the adventure is over and the price must be paid, what happens? Serya the Druid returns home to find the forest she left behind scarred. With a betrothed awaiting, she sets about restoring what was destroyed with the help of a capricious but seemingly friendly nymph. The fae are tricksters, however, and Serya is soon nothing but a pawn in her companion's schemes.

Serya knows that she has a debt to repay, and deeply desires the reward promised her for returning successful from her adventure. She wants to be fertile again, to have children with her betrothed. The road of purity and being granted her wish narrows and grows more dangerous with each passing day, until at last, there is little the druid can do.

The Grove's Gift contains over 10.000 words of delicious futanari fantasy erotica. It features the petite, noble Druid Serya who desires only to right her wrongs, to do good, and to have a child with her future husband. At her side is Anaharae the nymph, a fae bound to grant the Druid her reward, but intent on doing it in her own way. Nymphs are creatures of beauty and pleasure, and under the illusion of being a helpful friend, Anaharae soon gets her claws in Serya. How will the little Druid end up?

Author Notes: This is another story inspired by a prompt from Darknest, as well as a roleplaying partner. I feel like a lot of the notes in this story hearken back to my beginnings as a writer. Big parts of it remind me of my earlier work, all of which you can find under the Fiction Friday label above. At least in spirit. I hope the story is enjoyed!

1 comment:

  1. it sounds great...only if it were a movie i would be happy
